An Old Irish Blessing ... May the road rise up to meet you.May the wind always be at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face,and rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again,May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

"It is said some lives are linked across time. There are certain people connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages....destiny."

Life is a fleeting moment. Why live life in moderation and control when it lasts so short a time. Love until you drown in the happiness, laugh until the air you breath escapes you, cry until your tears are dry and live like the next second death will take your soul. Life is yours to live, and live it you must, not in the fear of what is to come next. That Next Place is waiting for you. It waits, in the hope that you will come fulfilled and ready, not in longing and regret.

Thank You For Being a FRIEND!*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ..•°*"˜ ☆ ¸..•´¨¨)) -:¦:-.(ړײ)/       ¸.•´….•´¨¨)).«▓       ((¸¸.•´ ¸.•´.-:¦:-. ╝╚ ….. ... `♥♪♫-´¯

Wishing you a wonderful new week..Like little birds, we only fly when we get shaken out of our nests; and develop the strongest wings only when we try them against the wind. The dove in a fable, was perturbed because the wind ruffled its feathers, but without that air it could neither soar nor live. In struggle, it is prudent to not wish away every opposition. It is better to meet and master our difficulties that faith can be made stronger through conflict.~Leroy Brownlow~With much love allways

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What an afternoon ...

Is there a better way to spend an afternoon watching a few fishermen cast a line into Botany Bay waiting to be rescued by a tow truck. Not that I be complaining, for who could complain with a beautiful view overlooking the bay, Million dollar homes and boats to match line the shores. A few yachts with trims of royal blue bopping on the water, the water so calm with barely a ripple. Only a slight backwash from a boat, slowly cruising past up the George's River.

Before we moved out west to the foot of the Blue Mountain, I used to pass this beautiful spot, wishing I could pull off and watch the sun rise. Looking towards the east you see the beautiful bridge, with lights of blue and green reflecting on the dark water, just before the sun comes up. There was barely enough time to wake up before opening the servo, duties call and regular customers waiting to fill up before heading off to work.

After a while (4yrs) you start knowing their names and lots about them, it's a community "The Shire" everyone knows everyone, I'd have my first cup of coffee with a local bricklayer, on his way to work. Russell the prosecutor, would pull up in his crappy 4 wheeldrive, mostly grabbing a morning paper and a coffee, but then he'd pull the bonnet and fill up the oil with his clean white longsleeve shirt on, I'd cringe thinking of washing the darm thing with grease all over it. I did blast him a few times nicely, even filled it up for him a few times. Then there was the nice old man with his yellow dog, who'd be waiting outside the door, while he got the paper and milk. You'd get to know them all.

Many Collared and tied, smelling of aftershave made me think of my dad, so neat and tidy, smelling of old spice with his black hair gelled back with brylcream, dressed in a suit on his way to the office. There he had a saying for the day on his desk. What a disappointment, I wasn't a son like he wanted, the go cart he built while waiting to become a father, never got used, no idea what happened to it. He finally got his wish with two grandsons. He would have enjoyed their teenage years for sure.

And yes the ute is broken, some electonic thingy, I got a ride with the towtruck driver, can't say I liked him much. Just lucky it was'nt peak hour yet and I could pull off to such a nice little fishing spot, now if only there was a fishing rod in the back with a little bait ...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daisy's story ...

Daisy's story
For those that are new to my blog, Daisy is a feral goat that was picked up somewhere near Mudgee by a young couple that thought raising a goat in their backyard sounded like fun. They struggled to feed her and had to find a new home for her. When I got her,she could not have been older than 4 or 5 days. I wonder how different Daisy's life would have been living free. I wrote this a while ago for Daisy. Please read it to your little one's and if they like it I would love to know. Here goes ....

Where's my mummy?
What just happened to me ... why have those strange humans snatched me from my mummy? I tried to run away from them, but I could not cause they where so fast. I am frightened and hungry, my tummy is rumbling so loudly. Where are you Mummy?

Mummy, I don't like the milk the humans want me to drink. It's not nice and warm like your milk and they so rough with me. I asked them to "Please take me back to my Mummy. I miss you.
Where are we going now?

Why have we stopped and who is that new human person?
Hey where are you going without me? Oh no, they leaving me.
She picks me up and cuddles me softly. She warm up some milk for me to drink and talks to me softly. My eyes are so tired maybe I will close them a little.

Mummy, I not scared anymore cause she is kind to me ...
I like her. I going to drink my milk and grow big. Then I will go look for you.
I love you Mummy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Facebook and Avatars

Dis nou net so rukkie dat ek daar kuier op Facebook, het dit eers niks gesmaak nie, maar as ek wil weet wat in alle my pelle se lewes aangaan dan moet ek nou maar daar kuier.
Myne seun sit vir my so mooi kat prentjie op vir my avatar, so niemand kan sien hoe oud die tannie nou regtig is nie. Daardie plooie en bags under the eye's, hulle kom sommer vanself. Weet nie of die roompies nou enige verskil sou maak nie. Oud gaan ons almal word. Al my sussies daar op Twisted Sisters spring so een na die ander uit die kas maar Rinetjie kryp weg agter daardie wit haar Gnome met haar blou oe, rooi lippe en bril.

Kyk as jy vinnig kyk dan kan jy jou misgis en dink dis 'n blow up meisie of 'n ding, maar ek belowe dis 'n really bad verf job, jy moet al haar maatjies, daar by die Camberra se Tulips show gesien het. Ek het sommer baie pic geneem. Dan edit en crop ek en naderhand is dit so 'n gemors, not even remotely in focus anymore, something to do with pixels.

Even the Queen was attending the show.

Then Poppie put my mugshot up on FB so now I can't hind anymore, well not anymore, we back to our blow up doll. First one to notice
Nilo ...
LOL Rintjies en nou die nuwe profile pic?
Yesterday at 8:08pm ·LikeUnlike · · View Feedback (2)Hide Feedback (2) · See Friendship
Rina ... ek voel dis tyd vir 'n change, ek het meer make up nodig en nuwe brille en 'n box blond dye lol
Yesterday at 10:43pm

Sometimes I feel a little guilty with the blog avatar it's just a little out of date, say maybe by 15 years or so, Do I want to update it, NO

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Hitch hiker .... lifes what you make of it...

It's a Big No No, you just don't pick them up

Driving back to Sydney after a few days up at the farm, listening to music, it could have been Rowan Keating or John Williamson who knows. Anyway I was towing the trailer with the green John Deere ride on behind the 4x4. There at Moorlands I make a little detour by Terry the juice man's farm. He has the purest freshly squeezed OJ you ever tasted in NSW. Checked on Nelson, my old Suffolk's ram, how he was liking his new ladies. Named him Nelson after that gay guy on the sunrise tv show, they both got such long faces. My Boy is King of the Farm for sure there. He sorted out those weathers real quick, wonder why Terry hasn't slaughtered them yet. Just love his wife Ann, they a great couple actually.

How I hate coming home after a weekend up at the farm, there you don't hear traffic or cop cars or planes over head coming in to land, so low you can almost tough them. Rather listen to kookaburras and maggie the magpie, and the frogs at night. I'm glad we stay at the foot of the Blue Mountains, on this 2 acre dry piece of land, it's just temporary. Not the nice lush green slice of heaven of Lavender Hill, not that there's any lavender planted yet. There's the 3 Jacarandas guarding the gate that one day will invite you in as you drive over a purple carpet of flowers.

Gee I am straying again from the hitch hiker and his dog. When I first saw him on the opposite side of the road, it was the brown bundle of fur that caught my eye. The man was standing there hiking with his dog by his feet, lying down and not moving a muscle, just a foot away from the side of the road. I swear I could see only his big brown eyes move. Then I looked at the man, he was tall with long greying hair tied back, not the average hiker sun burnt and raggedy. I could imagine his eye's to be a soft kind of green, that change depending in what mood he was. This man trained that brown dog with love and lots of Patience, for that dog trusted the man fully. Now if I was going his way I would have picked him up cause of the dog. Animals are great judges of character, don't ya think.

Many many moons ago while I was married to my first man, we lived on a plot just outside of Knysna in an old farm house with a old wood stove and a loft. I love it there, only neighbour was an old aunty living by herself, I'd go over and we'd have a coffee and a good chat. I am sraying again sorry. He bought me a filly, she was still young and untrained but a sweetheart with me. But she could not stand the sight of him, used to nip him when ever she could. Needless to say he resented that and soon she got mowed on to new owners. It was'nt long before I had enough and moved too, but that's another story.

Those two tiny little boys from many moons ago, have given me the best present ever, they made me a grandma of two little boys just 3 weeks apart. A lot has happened over the years, some stories I have randomly shared with you already, some I woun't. But there are many more memories to be made in the future with the ones I love.

Until nexttime