An Old Irish Blessing ... May the road rise up to meet you.May the wind always be at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face,and rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again,May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

"It is said some lives are linked across time. There are certain people connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages....destiny."

Life is a fleeting moment. Why live life in moderation and control when it lasts so short a time. Love until you drown in the happiness, laugh until the air you breath escapes you, cry until your tears are dry and live like the next second death will take your soul. Life is yours to live, and live it you must, not in the fear of what is to come next. That Next Place is waiting for you. It waits, in the hope that you will come fulfilled and ready, not in longing and regret.

Thank You For Being a FRIEND!*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ..•°*"˜ ☆ ¸..•´¨¨)) -:¦:-.(ړײ)/       ¸.•´….•´¨¨)).«▓       ((¸¸.•´ ¸.•´.-:¦:-. ╝╚ ….. ... `♥♪♫-´¯

Wishing you a wonderful new week..Like little birds, we only fly when we get shaken out of our nests; and develop the strongest wings only when we try them against the wind. The dove in a fable, was perturbed because the wind ruffled its feathers, but without that air it could neither soar nor live. In struggle, it is prudent to not wish away every opposition. It is better to meet and master our difficulties that faith can be made stronger through conflict.~Leroy Brownlow~With much love allways

Sunday, November 25, 2012

1 plus 1 equals 3

Heard those words before, Mom you're going to be a Grandma, special words. So see 1 + 1 = 3, nothing wrong with my maths. Exciting time for the new family, expecting Mom and Dad and older stepbrother Luke. Mom's been having a good pregnancy so far, bub being her first baby, went for an ultrasound on friday. While baby was on her tummy and was not helping to prove she could just be a little boy. So for the meantime we believe it could be a girl.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


dis verby. ~~~ van die begin, en eerste soen, tot elke skyfie lemoen, was daar gedink, en geglo, ...die liefde reën van bo. ~~~ die strandloop, en rooiaas soek, en duin op, en koes, het sandkorrels seker gepraat, maar is daar min verstaan. ~~~ haarslierte windverwaai in mis. versier haar ovaalgesig. asemhaling-kringe dwarrel. en help voete vorentoe skarrel. ~~~ elke roosblaar getuig van glorie. blaaie geplak in ‘n storie, geelgoud-boek leef nie meer, lê op sy sy omgekeer. ~~~ Lettie MurraySOLOVLUG 25 August . [aletta murray, 24aug2012]

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Poppy Day ...

Why Wear A Poppy

"Please wear a poppy", the lady said
And held one forth, but I shook my head.
Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there,
And her face was old and lined with care;
But beneath the scars the years had made
There remained a smile that refused to fade.

A boy came whistling down the street
Bouncing along on care-free feet
His smile was full of joy and fun,
"Lady", said he, "May I have one?"
When she's pinned it on he turned to say,
"Why do we wear a poppy today?"

The lady smiled in her wistful way
And answered, "This is Remembrance Day,
And the poppy there is the symbol for
The gallant men and women who died in war,
And because they did, you and I are free -
That's why we wear a poppy, you see".

"I had a boy about your size,
With golden hair and big blue eyes,
He loved to play and jump and shout,
Free as a bird he would race about.
As the years went by he learned and grew
And became a man - as you will, too."

"He was fine and strong, with a boyish smile,
But he'd seemed with us such a little while
When war broke out and he went away.
I still remember his face that day
When he smiled at me and said "Good-bye,
I'll soon be back, Mum, so please don't cry".

"But the war went on and he had to stay,
And all I could do was wait and pray.
His letters told of the awful fight,
(I can see it still in my dreams at night),
With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wire,
And the mines and bullets, the bombs and fire".

"Till at last, the war was won -
And that's why we wear a poppy, son".

The small boy turned as if to go,
Then said "Thanks, lady, I'm glad to know.
That sure did sound like an awful fight,
But your son - did he come back all right?

A tear rolled down each faded cheek;
She shook her head, but didn't speak
I slunk away in a sort of shame,
And if you were me, you'd have done the same;
For our thanks, in giving, is oft delayed,
Though our freedom was bought - and thousands paid.

And so when we see a poppy worn,
Let us reflect on the burden borne
By those who gave their very all
And asked to answer their country's call

That we at home in peace might live.
Then wear a poppy, Remember - and Give!
Lest we forget....

Author Unknown
Vintage Amehstit

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

By my Ma geleer ... ou se goed

By my ma my geleer het........ Ma het my geleer hoe om te bid: "Jy moet bid dat daardie kol op die mat uit is as ek vanaand by die huis kom" ...Sy het my geleer van "time travel": "Ek sal jou tot in volgende week in klap!" Sy het my geleer pa's is slimmer en ryker as ma's: "Gaan vra jou pa!" Sy het my geleer oor plantkunde: "Lyk dit vir jou of geld op my rug groei?" Sy het my geleer om altyd nederig en klein te wees: "Mannetjie !!!" Sy het my van die weer geleer: "Dit lyk of 'n dekselse orkaan jou kamer getref het!" Sy het my geleer van fauna en flora: "Moenie vir my vertel perredrolle is vye nie!" Sy het my geleer om myself te ontdek: "Hou op om jou soos jou pa te gedra!" Sy het my die wetenskap van osmose geleer: "Hou jou mond en eet jou kos!" Sy het my geleer van uithouvermoë: "Jy sal by daardie tafel sit totdat jy jou spinasie opgeëet het!" Sy het my geleer van sintuie: "Kinners word gesien en nie gehoor nie!" Sy het my geleer van humor: "Hou aan lag, dan gee ek jou iets om oor te huil ook!" Sy het my van jaloesie geleer: "Daar is duisende arm kinnertjies wat ouers soos joune begeer!" Sy het geleer dat daar 'n plek en 'n tyd vir alles is: "As julle mekaar wil vermoor, gaan doen dit buite! Ek't nou net hier skoongemaak!" Sy het my wiskunde geleer: "Sit jy alweer en tanne tel!" Sy het my logika geleer: "Want ek sê so, dis hoekom!" Sy het my geleer dat wonderwerke nog kan gebeur: "Ek sal jou klap dat jy jou antie vir 'n eendvoël aansien as jy my weer terugantwoord!"