An Old Irish Blessing ... May the road rise up to meet you.May the wind always be at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face,and rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again,May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

"It is said some lives are linked across time. There are certain people connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages....destiny."

Life is a fleeting moment. Why live life in moderation and control when it lasts so short a time. Love until you drown in the happiness, laugh until the air you breath escapes you, cry until your tears are dry and live like the next second death will take your soul. Life is yours to live, and live it you must, not in the fear of what is to come next. That Next Place is waiting for you. It waits, in the hope that you will come fulfilled and ready, not in longing and regret.

Thank You For Being a FRIEND!*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ..•°*"˜ ☆ ¸..•´¨¨)) -:¦:-.(ړײ)/       ¸.•´….•´¨¨)).«▓       ((¸¸.•´ ¸.•´.-:¦:-. ╝╚ ….. ... `♥♪♫-´¯

Wishing you a wonderful new week..Like little birds, we only fly when we get shaken out of our nests; and develop the strongest wings only when we try them against the wind. The dove in a fable, was perturbed because the wind ruffled its feathers, but without that air it could neither soar nor live. In struggle, it is prudent to not wish away every opposition. It is better to meet and master our difficulties that faith can be made stronger through conflict.~Leroy Brownlow~With much love allways

Monday, September 21, 2009

Moving on ..... For EX Wives and Partners

A young monk and an old monk were travelling together.After a while they came to the bank of a river and found a damaged bridge. The two monks waded across the river, and when they reached the other side, they found a woman sobbing by the damaged bridge. "What is wrong asked the young monk?" The bridge is damaged and I am afraid to cross the river in case I am swept away, and I must get to my home before nightfall" she replied.Without a word, the old monk picked up the woman and carried her across the river and set her down.The young monk watched this and was horrified, for he knew that their order had strict rules about chastity and propriety.The young monk became angrier and angrier for he felt the old monk had disregarded his vows. When the old monk rejoined him, the young monk could not speak,he was so angry and as they continued on their journey he went over and over the accusations he had against the old monks behaviour.Finally they came to a rest point and the young monk could not contain himself any longer, and burst out angrily at the old monk."How could you do such a thing? We have strict rules about contact with women. As your student I have heard many times your talk of chastity and propriety, but you nonchalantly disregarded all and touched that woman and carried her. You are a hypocrite. Did you enjoy the feel of her as you carried her? Did you enjoy the pleasure of her in your arms old monk?"The old monk looked surprised and said, "I carried the woman across the river and put her down 3 hours ago, why are you still carrying her?".

We keep on carrying the baggage of the "unpleasant memory" with us. We let them keep on coming back to hurt us, make us angry, make us bitter and cause us a lot of agony. Why?Simply because we are not willing to put down or letgo the baggage of the "unpleasant memory/feelings". We should let it go immediately after the unpleasant event is over. This will help in removing the agony.

I read this thread in a forum about EX Husbands and Partners, then I came across this post and thought it very good and deserves to be saved and shared with you.

Until nexttime

Friday, September 11, 2009

Betsy's sheep storie

Chester, Many. many moons ago we had a flock of sheep on a smallholding on the West Rand. Near Mohlakeng location it was and those times we were brave enough to venture into those places. We had a big-ish trailer which took up to ten sheep at a time. We loaded them on the trailer with water and food and parked on an empty, dusty roadside corner. There we sold them to the local people. Priced according to size, the sheep sold like hot cakes. They love their sheep, those people.

Little did we know that we took one hell of a risk to do so. We did that for a few weeks on weekends and made good money. Till one day. I had one little old, black soul to assist me and to be the go between me and the customers. A real little shifty eye, son of a gun, he was. When ever I asked him "what did he say?" he just laughed "gie gie gie" and said they like the sheep very much.

That day Hubby had to leave me there with Shifty eyes and the ten sheep for some reason. We sold the first few sheep without any hiccups and I hid the money in my pocket. The next moment three of them came out of the blue and just opened the trailers latch and let the sheep loose into the road. It became a free for all with everybody running and chasing sheep. Once caught it became their property and the more I screamed and told Shifty to go and get them, the more he just Gie gie gie and did nothing at all. No merrem, it's no use, they will get angry and kill us. Leave them. We lost eight sheep that day, I am sure it were old Shifty's friends.

The fat old aia's just stood across the road and laughed at me while tears streamed down my face. You could read the hatred in their eyes. We never went into the location again, I am sure we were so ignorant and never realized the danger we were in. We sold the sheep directly from the smallholding from then on.

It did not last very long after that. They grazed the land empty, we had to buy bales of lucern and blocks of salt and we had to herd them into a closed kraal at night. What a job! When you walked past the kraal at night all you heard was the sound of them urinating where they stand and I hated the smell.

I am long winded again tonight...all I want to say is that you must enjoy your little 'boerdery' and I love your stories. How is the blog coming on? Nightie night...

Vaders's dag skaap storie

Ag een van die dae gaan ek RSI kry van al die skryf hoor! en my kop is al siff gedink van al die dinge, maar hiers nog 'n storie wat die naweek gebeur het. En dan moet ek nog Daisy ekke 4 uur bottel gee so tussin alles deur.

Daar waar ons woon op Mulgoa se plaas is nie baie gras op die oomblik nie, die frost en geen reen die laaste 2 maande, is maar net halfde van die problem. Ander is daardie skape wat eet en eet en nie ophou eet nie. Ek gee droe ou brood van die bakery, skaap pellets by die sakke vol, hulle kry opgekreefde wortels, kool en selery, en luserne. Dan loop die mal vrou nog in die veld en trek bossies (fireweed skape vrek vir dit) uit by die emmers vol. En hulle is spek vet glo my!!

Nou is daar nog 'n stukkie gras waar hulle lekker groengrassies kan eet, so ons sit heining op Sondag op vadersdag. Nou is ons reg vir hulle, so 13 skape moet 'n hele ent aanstap na die grassies toe, slim dis nou ekke, kry 'n 1 lt icecream bakkie en maak so half vol met pellets. As skaap hoor daar's kos, dan hol hulle draad toe, en dan maak hulle net soos jy wil. So ons is by die 2 de hek uit, net een dom rammetjie vind nie die hek, wat 'n gesukkel met van een kant na die ander. Finally we on our way. Dis net skape om my, moet mooi trap of ek ploeg, soos hulle voor en om my hol.

Maar so bruin skaap besluit, as ek nou nie wil kos gee nie dan moet ek voel, en sy hap ook sommer my mooi ronde boud. Gelukkig die jean is styf en sy kry nie lekker vasbyt plek nie, ander het ek nou 'n paar tande merke gehad.. Ek kon dit anper nie glo, verwag 'n stamp, maar byt? Wonder of sy weet sy is een sonder 'n naam en gaan 'n lekker stew maak.

Vandag reen dit so 'n bietjie hier in Sydney, maar skaap kuier lekker en smul aan die groen grassies. So onder die sitrus en pruim bome.

Until next time Rina